Private coaching

to help you

live a life you love

If you could do ANYTHING with your life — and you were guaranteed not to fail — what would you do?

I love to start with this question, because it reveals so much about what we want and value in life, and where we’re holding ourselves back. So many things get in the way of our goals: limiting beliefs, fear, time, money, perception, the opinions of others… But in the end, it’s YOUR life: don’t you deserve to live it in a way that brings you joy and fulfillment?

What if I told you the key to getting exactly what you want in life, and living a life you truly LOVE, is already inside you? You know how to do this, but you probably don’t realize what you know, and I have the tools you need to help you uncover it.

In today’s world, we’re bombarded with messages about buy this thing and you’ll be happy, earn more money and you’ll find joy, just find the right partner and you’ll feel fulfilled… In fact, it’s SO much simpler than that. You already have everything you need to feel happy, joyful, fulfilled… You’ve just forgotten.

At Kindred Life Solutions, we offer you a map, a shovel, a flashlight, and all the tools you need to uncover this not-so-secret buried treasure of wealth, capacity, ability, and power so you can truly Live A Life You Love.

If you’re looking to enhance your experiences and live life to the fullest, to be the version of you that you’ve always dreamed of being, to be able to pinpoint what you really want in life and chart a route that will lead you to that dream, click below to set up a Mutual Interview. I can’t wait to help you build the life of your dreams!

How Does it Work??

At Kindred Life Solutions, we offer a variety of services to support you in creating the life you've always yearned for.

Our unique approach of incorporating multiple coaching modalities, hypnosis, and neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is designed to assist you in overcoming challenges, achieving your goals, and unlocking your full potential—whatever that means to YOU.

Private Coaching: Often portrayed in media as a “woo-woo” field, life coaching is actually based on neuroscience, data, and hundred of years of experience and observations on what makes some people more successful than others. Whitney prefers the term Private Coach, or Social-Emotional Wellness Coach, to more accurately describe the way she works with you to identify your strengths, values, and goals, and then, through personalized guidance and support, help you gain clarity, set achievable objectives, and develop action plans—based in science and data, of course—to move forward in your life.

Relationship Coaching: As always, using techniques and strategies based in evidence and studies of human behavior, Whitney will coach you to find more meaningful connections, deepen your existing relationships, and relate to others in a healthier, more productive manner. These strategies apply to ALL relationships in your life, whether romantic, professional, platonic, or familial. Whether you are currently in a relationship, looking for a relationship, or wanting to prepare yourself to someday be ready for a relationship, Whitney will guide and support you to lay a strong foundation for loving relationships in your life.

Hypnosis: Using the power of suggestion, visualization, and deep relaxation, hypnosis helps you overcome limiting beliefs, manage stress, and break unhealthy patterns. By tapping into your subconscious mind, we can facilitate positive changes and promote inner healing.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP): NLP techniques offer powerful tools for reprogramming your thoughts and behaviors. If you think of your brain as a computer, NLP is like learning how to code; you can teach your brain to function differently, think differently, and feel differently, so you can live differently. Through NLP, you can enhance your communication skills, improve relationships, and overcome obstacles that have been holding you back.

By integrating these practices, we provide a comprehensive approach to personal development, focusing on mindset, emotional well-being, and behavioral changes. Our services are tailored to YOUR unique needs, offering a safe and supportive environment for your personal growth.

Together, we can work towards building the life you deserve—one filled with purpose, fulfillment, and joy. Let us help you start today to Live a Life You Love.